Thursday, November 6, 2008

Value has a value, only if its value is valued.

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a Rupee 500 note in the room of 200. He asked, "Who would like this 500 rupee note?" A couple of hands started going up.

He said, "I will give this note to one of you, but first let me do this."

He proceeded to crumple the note. And he asked again, "Who still wants it?" And the same hands went up again.

"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?"
And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked up the crumpled, dirty note and asked once again,

"Does anybody still want it?" Surprisingly, the same hands went up again.

To that he said, "My friends, have you'll realsied that you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you'll still wanted it because it did not decrease in value, because it was still worth Rupee 500/- "

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless.
But no matter what has happened or what will happen, never lose self worth ! You are special, and you'll always remain special.

So friends, never let yesterday's disappointments overshadow tomorrow's dreams, because hope keeps a man alive.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Crossroads to life...

"Should I go for Marketing Management...but I like Advertising as well, should I pursue my MBA in India or do my masters in UK, or maybe work for another year??" sounds familiar, doesn't it.

Well you might be thinking I'm one confused person who does not know what she wants to do in her life, but let me tell you, I have spoken to a couple of people and I have seen the same confusion on their face when asked the big question "What are your future plans?"

It's amazing how you have so many options lying in front of you but you just don't have the time and resource to accomplish all your interests, it could be anything, either you have less time to fulfill all your interests and at times it's the money factor. There are so many things that appeal to us and the passion for learning more about your interests is what confuses one's mind.

However, as we move on in life, we encounter certain individuals, we experience certain things, that guide us towards the right direction. There are chances that we might even travel through a few rough and bumpy roads and feel weary about the warning signs we come across our way, informing us to be cautious thus adding on to the already created confusion.

But I guess in the end, its these rough roads that make us realise what the best option is. All we need to do is to accept the negative experiences with a positive attitude and move on , as it's only when you fall you realize where you going wrong.

Hence, the moral of this blog: We may face certain difficulties in life with the decisions we have to make. All you need is patience and diligence, and there you go, a happy, successful life awaits you. :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dedicated to the one and only..!!

We never know why we like some people more than others,
Why we love some people without any reason,
Why we feel happy at their sight,
But honestly, happiness is all about having such people in life,
People who mean the world to you,
People who you cannot sleep without talking to,
Some one whose one smile,
Will make you even run for miles,
This poem is dedicated to that special someone,
Whose one hug makes me feel like I'm in heaven.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sometimes...I wonder..!!

Its been almost 5 months since I have departed from my college memories, the days of fun, of excitement, of silly fights and obviously the days I'll never ever forget. And when I sit and think about how time has passed, I'm amazed, it feels like time has just whizzed past me. It could be seen from two different angles. It could be a good thing since you get closer to the next time you are going to be with your close ones, the time you are looking forward to, and it could be a bad thing since sometimes you feel the time you have in your hand is so less and there are so many things left incomplete..and .thats when you wish you had 30 hrs a day. Atleast that's what i wish sometimes.

But I'm sure everyone of you has wondered why time passes so quickly and why are things the way they are. Practically thinking, everything happens for a reason, but its just so unfair that we dont get to know the reason right then which frustrates you even more.

Have you ever wondered why you meet the people you meet, and what would it be like if you met someone else. Would it be better or would it be worse.. After a lot of thinking, I have reached the conclusion that its all a game played by the one above us. And he has it all planned, only if we knew what it was, but I guess that would jus spoil the fun. Isnt it?.

In these 5 months span, I have met so many different people, so many different personalities and learnt so many new things and sometimes I wonder why are people so different, why is there good and bad, why cant everyone just be happy with what they have, why does one want more than he has, why is the grass always greener on the other side.

Sometimes...I wonder ...Why?